News story

Awards already being won at Olympic Park, nine months before games begin

The Velodrome, which was designed by Hopkins Architects on behalf of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), has been awarded the Prime Minister…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Velodrome, which was designed by Hopkins Architects on behalf of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), has been awarded the Prime Minister’s Better Public Award at a ceremony in London.

The Velodrome is one of the most sustainable venues on the Olympic Park in terms of design and construction. Sustainable choices were made wherever possible; from the sourcing of wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council to be used on the track and external cladding, to the installation of a 100 per-cent naturally ventilated system. This ventilation creates a perfect track-level temperature, eliminating the need for air conditioning.

The design of the venue makes optimal use of natural light, reducing the need for electric lighting. It also has a low cable net roof system, creating an amazing atmosphere for spectators whilst reducing the amount of space to heat and ventilate.

Construction began in 2008 and was completed in February 2011.

Construction Minister Mark Prisk said:

“The London 2012 Games are a golden opportunity for the UK construction industry to showcase the very best that Britain has to offer.

“With investment in sporting event related infrastructure estimated to be $200 billion over the next decade, the opportunity for UK business to grow is huge.

“I’m pleased that this award has gone to such a deserving building, I only hope it’s the first of many British gold medals that the velodrome will see.”

Olympic Delivery Authority Chair John Armitt said: “The Velodrome was the first venue to be announced as structurally complete on the Olympic Park and it has quickly become a symbol of smart and sustainable design that demonstrates the best of British talent.”

Chairman of the Judges - Martin Baggs, Chief Executive of Thames Water said:

“It has been particularly pleasing to have the ongoing support of the Prime Minister in this very special award, which will undoubtedly continue to drive higher levels of quality, while recognising the success of the Velodrome as a truly iconic project. The judging of the Prime Minister’s Award this year was a pleasure and also a real challenge with a wide range of superb entries to assess.”

The award is part of the British Construction Industry Awards. It is sponsored jointly by the Cabinet Office and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Notes to editors

  1. There were over 120 entries in 2011 of which 61 were eligible for the Prime Minister’s Award. From these, 38 UK schemes were short listed, 27 qualifying for the PM’s Award. All short listed schemes are visited by members of the judging panel and the teams responsible, including the client, contractor, designers, etc, are quizzed during a tour of the project.

  2. The Awards are the most rigorously assessed in the UK construction sector. Entrants are required to submit comprehensive information about their project.

  3. Previous PM Award winners include: Tate Modern, London; City Learning Centre, Bristol; Bournemouth Library; A650 Bingley Relief Road; Jubilee Library, Brighton; City of London Academy; Dalby Forest Visitor Centre; Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Brighton; Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College, Birmingham; New Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow.

  4. BIS’s online newsroom contains the latest press notices, speeches, as well as video and images for download. It also features an up to date list of BIS press office contacts. See for more information.

Notes to Editors

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Published 13 October 2011