World news story

Arab Partnership: call for proposals for Morocco

The Arab Partnership is now opening a call for proposals for Morocco for 2015-2016.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

We are now calling for concept notes for the Arab Partnership Fund for Morocco for the 2015-2016 financial year (1st April 2015 until 31st March 2016). We are therefore seeking one year projects to be completed by March 2016.

The deadline to submit concept notes is Wednesday 4 February 2015 by close of play.

We will maintain our strategic priorities for the Arab Partnership Programme we have been working on since 2011 with an opening to new areas including elections and security. We would therefore only like to receive concept notes for projects which will deliver the following:

  • Increased political participation at the local level with a particular focus on elections;
  • Productive and transparent relationship between government, parliament and civil society that promotes public engagement on policy making, legislation drafting and approval;
  • Combating corruption and promoting an accountable and open government;
  • Lively public debate on socio-political and rights issues aided by an open and free media, including the implementation of media legislation, and balanced reporting reflecting women’s issues and minority groups;
  • Increased civil society engagement with local and regional authorities in the field of economic governance.

Effective security institutions addressing internal and external/regional threats and instability:

  • Effective application of security measures with respect for the rule of law and international human rights norms;
  • Enhanced investigative methods to support evidence based prosecutions.

How to apply:

Please submit a concept note in English. It should be no more than two sides A4. Please send your concept note to: copying Leila Khaoua
We will be in touch to notify you of the board’s decision during the week of the 9 February. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Concept note template:

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Published 29 January 2015