News story

Annual report: New results show UK aid is changing lives

New figures track the success of UK aid around the globe

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

New figures tracking the success of UK aid around the globe show how British support is transforming the lives of the world’s poorest people.

The latest numbers are set out in the Department for International Development’s Annual Report 2011-12, published by the British Government ministry today.

The progress report reveals the Government is on track to deliver the results it set out over a year ago, in a major review of how British aid is targeted.

Today’s publication is the first to detail results that are both clear and quantifiable for vaccines, education, protecting against malaria and helping millions of people to access financial services to help them help themselves out of poverty.

Over the past two years this includes:

  • vaccinating over 12 million children against preventable diseases
  • improving the land and property rights of 1.1 million people
  • supporting 5.3 million children (2.5 million of them girls) to go to primary school
  • distributing 12.2 million bednets to protect people against malaria
  • supporting 26 African countries to agree an Africa Free Trade Area
  • enabling 11.9 million people to work their way out of poverty by providing access to financial services
  • preventing 2.7 million children and pregnant women from going hungry
  • reaching 6 million people with emergency food assistance
  • supporting freer and fairer elections in 5 countries
  • improving hygiene conditions for 7.4 million people

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said:

For the first time, this government has established systems which allow us to measure and track, in detail, the results which UK aid is achieving.

Over the last two years, aid from Britain has quite simply transformed the lives of millions in the world’s poorest countries. I believe that these are results of which everyone in the United Kingdom can be proud.

The full list of results British aid is committed to delivering by 2015 is set out in our Results section, along with the progress made so far.

**Gallery: See how UK aid is changing lives with our postcards of progress **

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Published 25 June 2012