World news story

Ambassador Hobbs visits the department of Caaguazú

Dr Hobbs and his wife visited the Department of Caaguazú and undertook a series of political, business, education, and cultural activities.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Ambassador Hobbs and his wife at a breakfast meeting hosted by Governor Varela and his wife

Ambassador Hobbs and his wife at a breakfast meeting hosted by Governor Varela and his wife

Ambassador Hobbs and his wife visited the Department of Caaguazú located at around 130 kms from capital Asuncion, following an invitation from Governor Mario Varela. This was the Ambassador’s first official visit to the 5th department of Paraguay, where he undertook several political, business, education, and cultural activities.

Visit to a local timber company

Dr. Hobbs visited a local timber company and met with 20 local businessmen. During the business meeting he referred to the “UK-Paraguay Trade and Investment Forum” which took place in London on 6 November and encouraged local businessmen to take advantage of the various opportunities the UK has to offer.

Ambassador Hobbs at a meeting with local businessmen

Preserving historical links between the UK and Paraguay was the reason Ambassador Hobbs visited “New London”, a city founded by British migrants in the beginning of the 19th century.

Ambassador Hobss addresses university authorities and students of the National University of Caaguazú

Moreover, Ambassador Hobbs presented “Chevening”, the British Government’s scholarship programme to students of the National University of Caaguazú and engaged in a fluid dialogue with students and university authorities.

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Published 2 December 2014