World news story

A global digital conversation on media freedom

Asian College of Journalism in association with the British Deputy High Commission Chennai will host ‘Global Digital Conversation on Media Freedom’ on 3 April.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Media Freedom

It is meant to draw attention to the various challenges faced by media and to share and showcase global good practice. It will be streamed live on Facebook.

The conversation will be steered and moderated by Krishna Prasad, former Editor-in-Chief of Outlook & former Member, Press Council of India & Adjunct Faculty of ACJ and N Ram, Chairman of The Hindu Group & Trustee ACJ. It will feature respected voices on media issues globally including Alan Rusbridger, Emmy & Pulitzer winner and former Editor of The Guardian, Chair of The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Board Member of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. Others include:

  • Ian Jack, former Editor of The Independent on Sunday and Granta
  • Richard Sambrook, former Director BBC Global News & World Service and currently Deputy Head of Cardiff University’s School of Journalism.

Journalism scholars and practitioners from across India, the UK, US, Germany & South Asia are also expected to join.

Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford, British Deputy High Commissioner Chennai said:

We are delighted that ACJ - a long-standing partner of ours on issues concerning media and journalism - is leading this important and timely global conversation on Media Freedom. The UK government is keen to work with such organisations to shine a spotlight on the challenges to media freedom globally.

We hope that this conversation both encourages countries to act on the specific cases discussed and spurs global collaboration to strengthen independent media and counter dis-information or fake news.

Sashi Kumar, Chairman, ACJ said:

2018 was one of the deadliest years for journalists worldwide with several killed and detained. But 2018 was not an aberration. Media are increasingly targeted, legislative and practical obstacles to a free media have proliferated.

ACJ are pleased to lead this conversation via a new and exciting digital platform that ensures that questions raised and thoughts emerging are representative of what’s happening globally. We plan to publish a Global Charter on Media Freedom as one of our outcomes. We also encourage global partners and sponsors to join us in sustaining this conversation so that evolves into an ongoing global forum of thought and action on media freedom.

Further information

The digital conversation will go live/be published on The Global Pop-Up Newsroom and ACJ Facebook page on 3 April from 1100 to 1400 hrs and 1500 to 1700 hrs Indian Standard Time. Anyone with an FB individual/institutional account from anywhere in the world can watch/listen-in (send text comments, questions etc).

Find more information on Chennai-based Asian College of Journalism here.


For media queries, please contact:

Sally Hedley, Head of Communications
Press and Communications, British High Commission,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Tel: 24192100; Fax: 24192400

Mailto: Gayathri Pradeep

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Published 2 April 2019