Future of Farming Review: Call for views
Consultation description
We are keen to get views and experiences from all interested individuals and organisations on the opportunities and barriers of entering into the agricultural sector, across all disciplines from farming to science.
If you are a young farmer, student or have recently embarked in a career in agriculture, then please complete the ‘Young Farmer’ survey. As a thank you members of the Review Group have kindly donated some prizes, names will drawn and 2 winners will be selected once the survey has closed on 5 April 2013.
For all other organisations and/or individuals with an interest in the issues that the industry, young people and new entrants face, please submit your ideas, with supporting evidence where possible, through the call for views document below. Please send in your views 5 April 2013.
Please contact the Green Food Project team for more information: greenfoodproject@defra.gsi.gov.uk