Closed consultation

Expression of interest in OIM roundtable participation

We are analysing your feedback

Visit this page again soon to download the outcome to this public feedback.


The Office for the Internal Market (OIM) would like to hear from stakeholders to help inform our statutory reports on the effective operation of the UK Internal Market.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The OIM plans to hold roundtables in autumn 2022 to invite interested stakeholders to share their views relating to the application of the UK Internal Market Act 2020 (‘the Act’) and the effective operation of the internal market in the UK.

The OIM would welcome expressions of interest in participating in a roundtable, in particular from:

  • businesses with operations in the UK that rely on the effective operation of the internal market (for example, suppliers of goods and services who trade across one or more of the UK nations and distributors/retailers of goods and services across the UK nations)
  • individuals whose activities rely on the effective operation of the internal market for recognition of their (or their employees’) professional qualifications
  • professional advisers such as law firms and economic consultancies with an interest in the UK Internal Market (for example, this might include law firms who have advised on the potential application of the market access principles)
  • industry/trade associations with an interest in the UK Internal Market
  • consumer organisations with an interest in the UK Internal Market

The views that we gather will help inform our key statutory reports which we will publish in Spring 2023 as well as help the OIM achieve its mission to provide expert, independent, trusted advice and economic analysis to support the 4 nations to trade effectively within the UK Internal Market.

You can also share your experience of the UK Internal Market and report any information or issues relating to trading across different areas of the UK on the Report a UK Internal Market issue service.

Read about the OIM’s annual and 5-yearly reports.

Personal data

When handling personal data (like your contact details), we comply with data protection law, as set out in the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 and other law designed to protect sensitive information. For more information about the CMA’s statutory functions, how the CMA processes personal data and your rights relating to that personal data (including your right to complain), please see the CMA’s Personal Information Charter.


Alison Trinkl at

Media enquiries

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Published 22 July 2022

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