Abolishing Noise Abatement Zones
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Original consultation
Consultation description
Repeal of sections 63 to 67 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974
We are seeking views on our proposal to abolish Noise Abatement Zones.
Local Authorities have powers to set up Noise Abatement Zones; these are areas where sound levels are established for classified premises within chosen zones and then used as reference levels for the control of noise in that area. The powers have been little used since they were introduced nearly 40 years ago and we believe only two Noise Abatement Zones are currently in active use, both covering a single premises.
As part of the Government’s Red Tape Challenge, we are reviewing unnecessary legislation and our analysis suggests that repealing the relevant sections of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 would save local authorities time and money, as they would not have to formally revoke any Noise Abatement Zones that are no longer in use. Few local authorities are affected, so the savings are relatively small but repeal may also benefit premises covered by these ‘inactive’ Noise Abatement Zones, as abolishing them would remove any confusion over their status.
How to respond
Responses should be sent to
Email: noise@defra.gsi.gov.uk
By post:
Noise and Nuisance Team
Area 5A Ergon House
c/o Nobel House
17 Smith Square