
Transport decarbonisation: local authority toolkit

Provides advice to local authorities on actions they can take to reduce transport carbon emissions.

In the Transport decarbonisation plan the Department for Transport (DfT) recognised the role local areas and regions have in reducing emissions from transport. One of the ways we committed to support this was by publishing a toolkit for local authorities.

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide advice to local authorities on planning and taking measures to reduce carbon emissions from transport by:

  • highlighting the benefits of different interventions
  • setting out the actions local authorities can take to reduce carbon emissions
  • sharing best practice and lessons learnt from case studies of successful schemes already delivering local benefits
  • signposting local authorities to other published guidance and methodologies

The toolkit does not include new funding, however the measures signpost funding where available.

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure: help for local authorities and information on the Local EV Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund have been published.

Local transport plans and transport decarbonisation

Local transport plans (LTPs) are an existing statutory planning document that local transport authorities are required to produce which set out strategies for improving transport networks, propose projects for investment and plan how key objectives will be achieved. In the future, LTPs will need to set out how local areas will deliver quantifiable carbon reductions in transport, considering the different requirements of different areas.

The department has committed to publishing new guidance on local transport plans. This will set out how local transport authorities (LTAs) should approach developing a strategic plan to deliver their local transport needs.


The toolkit has been developed in partnership with Energy Saving Trust.

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Local authority toolkits

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Published 13 April 2022