
The Dounreay Community

Information on the Dounreay Stakeholder Group, socio economic initiatives and community funding as well as the company's heritage activities.

Dounreay Stakeholder Group is a forum for community leaders to scrutinise the site’s performance, to engage with the industry and its regulators and reflect the views of the local population.

The group was formed in 2005 as part of the commitment of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to establish stakeholder groups around each of its sites.

The NDA provides an annual budget of £30,000 and a secretariat through Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd.

The group meets 4 times a year in public to consider reports of work carried out by its various committees and receive reports from the site, the NDA and regulators.

Dounreay Stakeholder Group website.


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Published 4 April 2016