
HS2 Phase 2a Additional Provision and Supplementary Environmental Statement (March 2018)

The government has deposited a proposed set of amendments to the High Speed Rail (West Midlands to Crewe) Bill in Parliament.

The Additional Provision

It is common for changes to be made to proposals in a Bill, as design development and discussions with landowners, occupiers and other parties take place. The amendments proposed in the Additional Provision (AP) have arisen as a result of design development, particularly in relation to utility works and minor highway works, and affect community areas (CA) 1, 2, 3 and 5. The AP (March 2018) and SES is comprised of a number of documents which are listed and explained below.

A copy of the Additional Provision, which outlines the amendments to the powers as set out in the original Bill, is available to view on the UK Parliament website.


The AP gives rise to a new petitioning period and this will begin on Thursday 29th March and close at 1:00pm on Friday 27th April. Petitions will be heard by the Select Committee that is considering the Bill. For further information on the Committee process, visit the UK Parliament website.

Book of Reference

Parliamentary Standing Orders require HS2 Ltd to prepare and deposit a Book of Reference with the Bill or any Additional Provision.

The Book of Reference identifies all owners, lessees and occupiers with a qualifying interest in land and property affected by the HS2 scheme. All persons and organisations are listed by parish or borough, against each of the parcels of land that are described in the Book of Reference, shown on the Parliamentary Plans and listed in the various land schedules in the Bill.

Copies of the Book of Reference are not available on this website but can be but can be viewed at the deposit locations listed.

Plans and sections

Environmental impact

The AP is accompanied by the AP Environmental Statement (AP ES) which reports on the significant environmental effects that the AP amendments are likely to have where these are new or different to those reported in the environmental statement which accompanied the Bill deposited in Parliament in July 2017. It also outlines the measures that are being proposed to avoid, reduce or manage these effects.

A Supplementary Environmental Statement (SES) has also been deposited which reports changes within the powers and limits of the Bill and the likely significant environmental effects of these changes.

You can view the SES and AP ES on our collection page.

The SES and the AP ES will each be the subject of a public consultation. Note the consultation on the SES and AP ES will finish at 11.45pm on 14th May 2018.

Estimate of expense

Viewing and ordering copies of the Additional Provision

Updates to this page

Published 23 March 2018