Case study

DESG Graduate Scheme: Zoe

Case study of a student on the Ministry of Defence's Defence Engineering and Science Group Graduate Scheme, now working as a Systems Analyst for weapons.

This case study was withdrawn on

Civil engineering is no longer part of the DESG Graduate Scheme.

Zoe, who comes from London, graduated from University with a degree in civil engineering. She has been on the scheme for 2 years and 1 month and is currently on a placement as a project sponsor at RAF Mildenhall.

I represent Defence Estates United States Force (DE USF) and have personal delegation for the project. I am responsible for many aspects of a project including financial control, cost, tome and quality objectives and liaison with the USF project manager and the principal support provider Hyder.

As a member of the Air Training Corps and studying a masters degree in Civil Engineering, I felt that the MOD and DESG was a great way of combining my interest with the military as well as my career as a civil engineer. My main two highlights from my career to date are firstly my three month placement to Cyprus involving property management and my six month intensive course with the Royal Engineers, where every aspect of civil engineering was covered including other engineering disciplines with an added military slant. It was a great insight into the military world.

I hope to achieve chartered Civil Engineer status. I know that the MOD has a training agreement with the Institution of Civil Engineers and the MOD will fund it all. Following that I would like up to the top management levels within the MOD.

The MOD provides excellent training opportunities to meet your career needs, it also provides a great work life balance. You will also have the opportunity to travel all over the country and abroad including places such as Germany, Cyprus and Gibraltar.

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Published 11 February 2013