
Social worker registration (Wales)

It is a legal requirement for social workers in Wales to register with Social Care Wales.

Apply for this licence

Start now

Unregistered social workers practising as social workers in Wales are at risk of prosecution.

How much it costs

Social worker registration costs £80. Social workers who qualified outside the UK and do not have a letter of verification pay:

  • £350 to get their qualification verified
  • an additional fee of £200 for an aptitude test if requested by the applicant

After your first year of registration to remain registered you must pay an £80 annual fee.

Every 3 years to remain registered you must submit a renewal application and pay the £80 renewal fee. There is no annual fee when your renewal is due. Only one fee is payable each year.

How long it lasts

Registration is for up to 3 years. After that you will need to renew or your registration will lapse which means your name will be removed from the register and you cannot legally practise in Wales.

How to appeal

Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, those refused registration can appeal to a Registration Appeals Panel. If not satisfied with the outcome of this process, you may be able to appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal.

Details about appeals process, including timescales, are provided in decision letters.

Public registers and databases

Search the register of social care workers in Wales.

What happens next

Applications take up to 12 weeks to be processed.