Young Lives Preliminary Country Report: Peru


The Young Lives Project is a longitudinal study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. In each of the countries, the first phase of the project included the first survey of 2,000 index children aged around one year and a survey of 1,000 children aged around eight years, evenly spread across 20 sentinel sites per country. The Young Lives Project is unique in measuring child well-being in a holistic and consistent way across several developing countries, including economic, social, physical and demographic aspects. Data collection finished in 2003 and an important priority has been the early production of a preliminary report from each country, each report following a similar structure.

The objectives of this preliminary report are to: present a brief literature review of child poverty in Peru; review national policies that have an impact on child poverty; identify key national audiences for this study; and describe the study methods, present preliminary, descriptive results, and identify provisional conclusions and policy implications.


Oxford, UK: Young Lives. 73 pp.

Young Lives Preliminary Country Report: Peru

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Published 1 January 2003