Young Lives in Ethiopia: An international study of childhood poverty. Key findings.


The two rounds of Young Lives in Ethiopia, in 2002 and 2006, surveyed two groups of children: 1,999 children aged between six and 18 months at the start of the project and 1,000 children aged between 7.5 and 8.5 years old. The children come from 20 sites in the five regions of the country where most of the population lives. In line with the focus on child poverty, there was an emphasis during the selection of poor rural and urban sites. Between the two rounds, there was an attrition rate of 1.33%, which is low compared with other longitudinal studies. This report presents initial key findings from the country reports of the second round of quantitative research.


Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, UK. 2 pp.

Young Lives in Ethiopia: An international study of childhood poverty. Key findings.

Published 1 January 2008