Workshop report: Exploring key research opportunities & developing regional scenarios


This report documents the CCAFS Regional Scenarios Workshop - Exploring Key Research Opportunities and Development - held from August 24, 2010 to August 26, 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya. All results of the working groups and plenary sessions are reported as they were presented. It is not a synthesis report but a verbatim documentation of the proceedings and outcomes without interpretation.

The workshop was seen as a first step towards developing a set of scenarios for the East African region that are coherent with global assumptions to ca. 2030, and which reflect plausible agriculture and food security development pathways under changing climate at local and regional levels. Further, it provided an opportunity for participants to identify a team of regional and national stakeholders who would be mobilized and sensitized to climate change adaptation and mitigation issues in relation to agriculture and food security.


Challenge Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Workshop report: Exploring key research opportunities & developing regional scenarios. (2010) [Workshop on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security in East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 24-26 August 2010] 74 pp.

Workshop report: Exploring key research opportunities & developing regional scenarios

Published 1 January 2010