Working Paper T8. Developing Country Proposals for the Liberalisation of Movements of Natural Service Suppliers.


This paper is about developing countries' proposals in the GATS negotiations on the liberalisation of the movement of natural persons to provide services – Mode 4. The paper considers the offers that have been made on Mode 4 by developing countries during the round to date – in part to try to gauge the seriousness of their intent on Mode 4 – as also to gauge the generalised demands that they have made of developed countries. Sections of the papers deal with developing country offers, developing country aspirations, and developed country responses.


WP-T8, Sussex, UK, DRC on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, 26 pp.

Working Paper T8. Developing Country Proposals for the Liberalisation of Movements of Natural Service Suppliers.

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Published 1 January 2005