Working Paper T11. Who is Most Likely to Migrate from Albania? Evidence from the Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey.


This paper uses the Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey from 2002 to examine the factors that render an individual most prone to the risk of international migration. The analysis uses novel data on whether individuals ever considered migrating abroad. The econometric models used provide good descriptions of the data and are well specified on the basis of a battery of diagnostic tests conducted. The estimated results are generally consistent with findings from the empirical literature on the willingness to migrate. The usual suspects emerge as determining factors with age, gender, employment status and education exerting predictable influences on migration risk. There is also a strong role for local labour market conditions and community level variables capturing, among other things, the prevalence of crime.

Section One of the paper discusses a number of conceptual issues that attach to employing the migration measure used in this study and is followed by a section describing the data. Section Three outlines the econometric methodology and Section Four details the empirical results. A final section offers a summary and some conclusions.


WP-T11, Sussex, UK, DRC on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, 36 pp.

Working Paper T11. Who is Most Likely to Migrate from Albania? Evidence from the Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey.

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Published 1 January 2005