Working Paper 4. The Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes: A case study in Mirab Abaya woreda.


The sustainability of community-managed rural water supply schemes is a key factor in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), in terms of ensuring environmental sustainability, improving health and eradicating extreme poverty for the overwhelming rural majority living in the developing world. To sustain water supply schemes, it is vital to have the involvement of all segments of the community in the form of full participation and control over the scheme's operation and maintenance (O&M), overall management, strategic decision making, ownership and cost sharing for O&M and construction activities. This study was conducted in Mirab Abaya Woreda by the RiPPLE programme under one of its thematic areas, the Governance and Planning theme (GaP). The aim of this theme is to identify appropriate and scalable approaches to strengthening local water governance and planning in the context of Ethiopia's Universal Access Plan (UAP) and other development planning frameworks.


RiPPLE Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 89 pp.

Working Paper 4. The Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes: A case study in Mirab Abaya woreda.

Published 1 January 2008