Working Paper 14. Income diversification through improved irrigation in Ethiopia: impacts, constraints and prospects for poverty reduction. Evidence from East Harerghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.


This Working Paper is based on research conducted in three sites in GoroGutu woreda, East Harerghe Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, from January to May 2009. The research examined the potential for irrigation to increase household resilience and contribute to poverty reduction and pro-poor growth through enabling households to diversify incomes – both commercial crop production and new forms of non-farm income generation.


Eshetu, S.; Degeye Goshu; Belay Kassa; Estifanos Worku; Delelegn, A.; Tucker, J.; Belayneh Belete; Tamiru, D.; Zelalem Lema; Zemede Abebe. Working Paper 14. Income diversification through improved irrigation in Ethiopia: impacts, constraints and prospects for poverty reduction. Evidence from East Harerghe Zone, OromiaRegion, Ethiopia. (2010) 62 pp.

Working Paper 14. Income diversification through improved irrigation in Ethiopia: impacts, constraints and prospects for poverty reduction. Evidence from East Harerghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.

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Published 1 January 2010