Working Paper 11. Mapping for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) in Ethiopia.


In this working paper we highlight ways in which mapping approaches can help Ethiopia achieve the Universal Access Plan for water supply and strengthen links between water and sanitation service delivery and pro-poor growth. The paper is based on experiences of using mapping approaches as part of the RiPPLE project.

The first part of the paper sets out a conceptual framework for mapping. Within Ethiopia, there is growing evidence that maps can be an important part of the process of turning raw data into useful information and practical knowledge. The second part of the paper highlights the practical challenges that exist when using mapping to support decision making in the WASH sector. In particular the challenges of data availability, data accessibility, poor data management and the capacity required to make maps and manage data. There is a great appetite for mapping in Ethiopia, but appropriate capacity must first be built before maps can be used routinely and widely by different WASH stakeholders.

The paper concludes by summarising the steps needed to integrate mapping in a WASH programme.

Also appended is the poster-map showing fluoride problems in Ethiopian drinking water which is refereed to in this working paper.


RiPPLE Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 32 pp.

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Published 1 January 2009