Who buys insecticide-treated nets? Implications for increasing coverage in Nigeria


Objectives: To investigate the determinants of purchase of insecticide-treated nets and explore the policy implications of the findings for ITNs programmes.
Methods: Two surveys were conducted one month apart in three villages. The first survey was used to determine stated willingness to pay WTP) and respondent practices regarding untreated nets and ITNs. The second survey was accompanied by actual sales of ITNs. Pre-tested interviewer-administered questionnaires using three contingent valuation method CVM) question formats, namely the bidding game BG;: binary with follow up BWFU) and a structured haggling technique SH) were administered to different sub-samples of the respondents.


Health Policy and Planning (2003) 18 (3) 279-289 [doi:10.1093/heapol/czg034]

Who buys insecticide-treated nets? Implications for increasing coverage in Nigeria

Published 4 December 2006