What works to prevent violence against women and girls? Evidence Review of approaches to scale up VAWG programming and assess intervention cost-effectiveness and value for money


This evidence review was conducted to:

  • Summarise some examples of entry platforms through which violence againsts women and girls (VAWG) programmes are being implemented
  • Start to identify current VAWG prevention interventions that have been replicated in more than one setting
  • Synthesise current evidence on the costs of VAWG prevention (focusing on good quality costing studies, rather than financial cost assessments alone)
  • Drawing upon the broader literature of intervention scale up, discuss how to conceptualise the replication and scale up of violence prevention programming, and potential approaches to considering how to value the cost-effectiveness of VAWG prevention programmes, and the implications for future evaluation research.
  • Identify potential opportunities to conduct future economic evaluations of ‘scaled-up’ VAWG prevention components, to enable lessons to be learned about the sources of variation on unit cost estimates, and to produce evidence of the impact of scale on programme costs.


Remme, M.; Michaels-Igbokwe, C.; Watts, C. What works to prevent violence against women and girls? Evidence Review of approaches to scale up VAWG programming and assess intervention cost-effectiveness and value for money. Medical Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa (2014) 55 pp.

What works to prevent violence against women and girls? Evidence Review of approaches to scale up VAWG programming and assess intervention cost-effectiveness and value for money

Published 1 January 2014