What level of electricity access is required to enable and sustain poverty reduction? Annex 1 – Literature review

This review identifies links between different levels of access to electricity and their impact on poverty reduction


Policymakers aiming to maximise the transformative power of electricity are interested in answering 2 questions:

  1. What level of electricity access is required to enable and sustain poverty reduction?
  2. Which other factors need to be in place for electricity to be used productively and lead to income generation?

This review aims to provide further light on the questions above by identifying the links between different levels of access to electricity and their impact on poverty reduction as reported by existing evidence based literature.


Pueyo, A.; Hanna, R. What level of electricity access is required to enable and sustain poverty reduction? Annex 1 Literature review. Practical Action Consulting, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, UK (2015) 65 pp.

What level of electricity access is required to enable and sustain poverty reduction? Annex 1 – Literature review

Published 1 January 2015