What does Nepal’s Old Age Allowance mean for the elderly? Evidence from Rolpa

This paper examines the effectiveness of the Old Age Allowance and what it means for those receiving it


Today, Nepal’s Old Age Allowance is considered a core pillar of the state’s social protection system. However, questions regarding its effectiveness – and what it means for those receiving it – remain. More specifically, the impacts of the transfer on individual and household well-being as well as on recipients’ relationships with others (including the state) are not fully clear.

Drawing on primary research, this brief ‘situation paper’ explores these questions, concluding with some key recommendations for policy makers. It is based on SLRC Working Paper 25.


Sony, K.C.; Upreti, B.R.; Paudel, S.B.; Gopikesh Acharya; Annal Tandukar; Babken Babajanian. What does Nepal’s Old Age Allowance mean for the elderly? Evidence from Rolpa. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 7. Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK (2014) 4 pp.

What does Nepal’s Old Age Allowance mean for the elderly? Evidence from Rolpa. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 7

Published 1 January 2014