What are the practices to identify and prioritize vulnerable populations affected by urban humanitarian emergencies? A systematic review protocol of methods and specific tools used to target the most at need individuals, households and/or communities in urban crises


The purpose of this document is to clearly describe the proposed research questions and methodology for an evidence synthesis on practices to identify and prioritize vulnerable populations affected by urban humanitarian emergencies. This protocol outlines the reasons for this evidence synthesis, how the review will be conducted, plans for critical appraisal of included studies, and methods of synthesis. The aim of the synthesis is to consolidate the practices (including tools, methods, and metrics) reported by practitioners and academics to identify and prioritize vulnerable people, households or communities within populations affected by humanitarian emergencies, including those displaced within and to urban areas.


Patel, R.B.; Phelps, L.; Sanderson, D.; King, J. What are the practices to identify and prioritize vulnerable populations affected by urban humanitarian emergencies? A systematic review protocol of methods and specific tools used to target the most at need individuals, households and/or communities in urban crises. Oxfam UK, Oxford, UK (2016) 28 pp. ISBN 978-0-85598-715-2

What are the practices to identify and prioritize vulnerable populations affected by urban humanitarian emergencies? A systematic review protocol of methods and specific tools used to target the most at need individuals, households and/or communities in urban crises

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Published 1 January 2016