Weed management in groundnuts using ox-drawn weeders in North Eastern Uganda: Farmers' experience in ox-drawn weeders.


This was a study carried out to assess the effectiveness of weed control using ox-drawn weeders and hand weeding. Trials were conducted in farmer's fields during the first and second rains of 2000. Two different types of ox-drawn weeders were evaluated and compared with hand weeding. At the end of the study farmers concluded that ox-drawn weeders reduced the labour and costs required for weeding groundnuts and improved gross margins. They also found out that ox-drawn weeders are a practical and effective alternative to hand weeding and may improve groundnut yields.


Obuo, P.; Agobe, F.; Oryokot, J.; Barton, D. Weed management in groundnuts using ox-drawn weeders in North Eastern Uganda: Farmers’ experience in ox-drawn weeders. In: African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol 6. African Crop Science Society.. (2004) 161-166.

Weed management in groundnuts using ox-drawn weeders in North Eastern Uganda: Farmers’ experience in ox-drawn weeders.

Published 1 January 2004