Vibrational signals of African stingless bees

The bees use pulsed thoracic vibrations to communicate information to advertise food sources


Arthropods make use of vibrational communcation for various purposes (such as locating and identifying a mate or avoiding predators), instead of chemical communication.

This article focuses on vibrational communication in 6 African stingless bee species of 5 genera: Meliponula, Hypotrigona, Liotrigona, Dactylurina, and Plebeina. The investigators found that all 6 species of stingless bees use pulsed thoracic vibrations to communicate information (such as sugar content and scent) to nestmates, to advertise the food source and encourage others to reach it.

This is an output of the ‘African Reference Laboratory (with Satellite Stations) for the Management of Pollinator Bee Diseases and Pests for Food Security’ project. It is partly funded by the UK Department for International Development, a core donor of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology.


Krausa K., Hager F.A., Kiatoko N. and Kirchner W.H. (2017) Vibrational signals of African stingless bees. Insectes Sociaux, doi: 10.1007/s00040-00017-00564-00049.

Vibrational signals of African stingless bees

Published 1 April 2017