Use of mobile phones to detect and deter corruption



What are the main ways in which mobile phone and camera/satellite technology are being used to detect and deter corruption? (e.g. community monitoring of health and education services, public monitoring of budgets, contrasting performance between government bodies in different districts). What are the critical design factors for success and what are the limitations of such tools?


Mobile technologies offer remarkable opportunities for promoting good governance, increasing accountability and fighting corruption. As they reach citizens directly through interactive channels of communication, they allow rapid data collection and access to information and offer innovative avenues for social mobilisation and participation. Although still in its infancy, there are many examples where mobile technologies have been successfully used for anti-corruption – as efficient social accountability tools – empowering local communities to engage with political and decision making processes as well as providing an effective voice mechanism to hold local leaders accountable.


Chêne, M. Use of mobile phones to detect and deter corruption. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, CMI, Bergen, Norway (2012) 8 pp. [U4 Expert Answer 321]

Use of mobile phones to detect and deter corruption

Published 1 January 2012