African Urbanisation and Urbanism: Implications for risk accumulation and reduction

This paper reviews African urban experiences, and analyses the implications for risks, from the everyday to the extensive


This paper presents a critical review of the key features of African urban experiences, and analyses the implications for the creation and reduction of diverse risks, from the everyday to the extensive. It argues that the physical forms, social structures, economic pathways, and governance systems of cities on the continent shape their risk profiles.

There is a working paper and briefing on this research. These are all outputs from the Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) programme


  • Dodman, D., Leck, H. , Colenbrander, S., and Rusca, M. 2017. African Urbanisation and Urbanism: Implications for risk accumulation and reduction, International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR), Volume 26, December 2017, Pages 7-15

  • Leck, H. , Colenbrander, S., Dodman, D. and Rusca, M. 2016. African Urbanisation and Urbanism: Implications for risk accumulation and reduction, Urban ARK Policy Brief 2.

  • Dodman, D., Leck, H. , Colenbrander, S., and Rusca, M. 2016. African Urbanisation and Urbanism: Implications for risk accumulation and reduction, Urban ARK Working Paper No. 10.

Published 1 July 2017