Urban health research in Africa: themes and priority research questions

This commentary presents a conceptual framework, using a public health approach, for interdisciplinary research


This commentary presents a conceptual framework, using a public health approach, for interdisciplinary research. It is aimed at contributing to the understanding and mitigation of urban health issues and challenges in Africa. This approach identifies downstream and upstream factors, based on published literature, associated with key determinants in each theme.

This is an output from the Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) programme


T. Oni, W. Smit, R. Matzopoulos. J. Hunter Adams, A. Rother, M. Pentecost, Z. Albertyn, F. Behroozi, O. Alaba, M. Kaba; C. Westhuizen, M. Shung King, N. Levitt, S.Parnell and E. Lambert. 2016. Urban health research in Africa: themes and priority research questions, Journal of Urban Health., 93 (4).

Urban health research in Africa: themes and priority research questions

Published 31 May 2016