Triplochiton scleroxylon: its conservation and future improvement


As is only too common, indiscriminate felling has rarely been balanced by energetic attempts to ensure regeneration, whether natural or artificial. But it must be granted that, in the past, such attempts would have been halted by many apparently insuperable technical difficulties, e.g. the irregularity of fruiting, the inability to maintain seed viability during protracted periods of storage - an essential requirement if a continous programme of planting were to be maintained between mast years. However, foresters, following the example set by horticulturists, are now more and more considering the use of rooted cuttings for planting programmes (Hinds and Krugman, 1974; Kleinschmit and Sauer, 1976). But the impact of vegetative propagation is not restricted to the straight-forward production of planting stocks; it could greatly influence our approach to selection and inevitably there is a need to clarify our methods of separating genotypic from phenotypic responses.


In: Forest Genetic Resources Information, 6, pp. 38-47.

Triplochiton scleroxylon: its conservation and future improvement

Published 1 January 1977