Transport and mobility constraints in an aging population: health and livelihood implications in rural Tanzania


This paper offers a rare examination of older people’s mobility in a developing country context. It presents findings from a recent mixed-methods study of the transport and mobility constraints faced by older people in 10 settlements in Kibaha district Tanzania and is concerned, in particular, with the interconnections between transport, health and livelihoods. The study demonstrates the diverse ways in which older people’s health, livelihoods and access to transport are interconnected, the growing importance of motorcycle–taxi services for rural connectivity, and how the relationality between older people and younger generations contributes to the shaping of mobility patterns.


Porter, G.; Tewodros, A.; Bifandimu, F.; Gorman, M.; Heslop, A.; Sibale, E.; Abdul Awadh; Kiswaga, L. Transport and mobility constraints in an aging population: health and livelihood implications in rural Tanzania. Journal of Transport Geography (2013) 30: 161-169. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.05.001]

Transport and mobility constraints in an aging population: health and livelihood implications in rural Tanzania

Published 1 January 2013