Training Needs Analysis Report. Aid Co-ordination and Effectiveness (ACE) project.


This report summarises the development of a training needs analysis conducted during June 2009 as the first activity of the human resource development component of the Aid Co-ordination and Effectiveness (ACE) project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its conclusions were the basis upon which the training programme and human resource development activities of the project were planned and scheduled.

Initially a draft Competence Framework was drawn up as a basis for comparison. Then all participants completed a self-analysis training needs questionnaire (appended); its results were aggregated for a statistical and quantitative analysis of training and competence priorities. Follow-up interviews were held with senior respondents (officials and ministers) to allow further explanation and qualitative interpretation of the questionnaire responses. During the inception phase of the project, meetings were held with representatives of the EU and UNDP, and views sought upon the training and development priorities for the project beneficiaries. The views of members of the Board for Coordination of International Aid were also sought on the overall priority training and competence issues for the project.

Five clusters of priority training needs were identified, namely: (1) Strategic planning, resourcing and implementation; (2) Project management; (3) Aid coordination; (4) Public financial management; and (5) Management and personal skills. Each of these five clusters was common across all participating groups, although in some aspects the particular focus of interest and emphasis was different.


Williams, S. Training Needs Analysis Report. Aid Co-ordination and Effectiveness (ACE) project. (2009) 32 pp.

Training Needs Analysis Report. Aid Co-ordination and Effectiveness (ACE) project.

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Published 1 January 2009