Trade Facilitation: Terms of Reference to identify best practices for development co-operation.


The DAC activity on trade facilitation aims to strengthen the design, delivery and evaluation of development assistance aimed at supporting trade facilitation reforms in developing countries, in a way that is consistent with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005) and other DAC guidelines, including the DAC Guidelines on Strengthening Trade Capacity for Development (2001).

This paper is structured as follows:

Section 2 – Background- outlines the objective and rationale for this activity, including data on current donor support in this area; and the definition of trade facilitation and support for implementing trade facilitation procedures.
Section 3- Terms of reference- describes the outputs and methodology; process; timeframe; required competencies of the external expert and resource implications for the DAC.


16 pp.

Trade Facilitation: Terms of Reference to identify best practices for development co-operation.

Published 1 January 2005