Tracking social capital outcomes and sustainability of local policy initiatives. Scientific report.


This \"tracking\" study was intended to provide the evidence-base of the outcomes, impacts, performance and sustainability of strengthened social capital in natural resources management (NRM) and to assess the uptake and dissemination of the processes and approaches for strengthening social capital as a follow-on to an earlier project that aimed at strengthening social capital for improving policies and decision making in NRM. This study is essentially a process monitoring and documentation research that used a combination of household surveys in five communities with participatory tools such as the After Action Review (AAR)\" techniques to facilitate a critical reflection and collective analysis. The report addresses issues related to uptake promotion and scaling up-potential of research results, and highlights issues for further research on social capital.


Sanginga, P., Kamugisha, R., and Abenakyo, A. 2006. Tracking social capital outcomes and sustainability of local policy initiatives. Scientific report. Annex A of the Final Technical Report of project R8494. Kampala, Uganda: CIAT-AHI. 50 pp.

Tracking social capital outcomes and sustainability of local policy initiatives. Scientific report.

Published 1 January 2006