Tracking livelihoods, service delivery and governance: panel survey findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium

Public-goods provision, equitable growth and rights-based development are at their most challenging in places affected by fragility, conflict and violence


Public-goods provision, equitable growth and rights-based development are at their most challenging in places affected by fragility, conflict and violence – which is why donors and agencies maintain a particular focus on such areas. However, while it is essential that such investments are based on solid evidence, understanding of how post-conflict recovery and state-building processes happen is limited.

The Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) works to address this lack of evidence. As a key component of its work, SLRC has established longitudinal panels with individuals as the unit of analysis in five countries: Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Uganda.

This report summarises the main findings from both waves of the survey, which collected data on people’s livelihoods; their access to or experience with basic services, and their relationship with governance processes and practices.

This report is one of a series produced at the end of SLRC’s first phase. These reports bring together and analyse all relevant material on SLRC’s overarching research questions, with a view to drawing out broader lessons that will be of use to policy makers, practitioners and researchers.

This research was funded under the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) programme


Sturge, G. Mallett, R. Hagen-Zanker, J. and Slater, R. (2017) Tracking livelihoods, service delivery and governance: panel survey findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.

Tracking livelihoods, service delivery and governance: panel survey findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium

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Published 25 July 2017