Towards a “fourth generation” of approaches to HIV/AIDS management : creating contexts for effective community mobilisation


Many biomedical and behavioural HIV/AIDS programmes aimed at prevention, care and treatment have disappointingoutcomes because of a lack of effective community mobilisation. But community mobilisation is notoriously difficult to bring about. The authors present a conceptual framework that maps out those dimensions of social context that are likely to support or undermine community mobilisation efforts, proposing that attention should be given to three dimensions of social context: the material, symbolic and relational.


Anon. Towards a “fourth generation” of approaches to HIV/AIDS management: creating contexts for effective community mobilisation. AIDS Care (2010) 22 (sup2) 1569-1579. [DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2010.525812]

Towards a “fourth generation” of approaches to HIV/AIDS management : creating contexts for effective community mobilisation

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Published 1 January 2010