Tomato leaf curl virus resistant tomato lines TLB111, TLB130, TLB182.


The origin, breeding and morphology of three tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV)-resistant tomato lines, namely TLB111, TLB130 and TLB182, are described. These lines are also resistant to the bacterial wilt (caused by Ralstonia solanacearum). TLB111 and TLB182 are resistant to race 1 of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici wilt but susceptible to race 2; TLB 130 is susceptible to both races of the fusarium wilt pathogen. In field trials conducted during 1999, in Karnataka, India, TLB111 and TLB 130 (TLB 182 was not included in the trial) gave yields twice those of the ToLCV-susceptible cultivars Arka Vikas and Rashmi and comparable to the ToLCV-tolerant hybrid Avinash-2.


Muniyappa, V.; Padmaja, A.S.; Venkatesh, H.M.; Sharma, A.; Chandrashekar, S.; Kulkarni, R.S.; Hanson, P.M.; Chen, J.T.; Green, S.K.; Colvin, J. Tomato leaf curl virus resistant tomato lines TLB111, TLB130, TLB182. HortScience (2002) 37 (3) 603-606.

Tomato leaf curl virus resistant tomato lines TLB111, TLB130, TLB182.

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Published 1 January 2002