TI-UP Enquiry: review of Iraq Grand Port project proposal.


Hanna Shaikh Holding Company (HSHC) proposes to build a vast and hugely expensive port ($10-12 billion) with 40 km of berths at the Fao peninsula, a marshy region adjoining the Arabian Gulf in the extreme south-east of Iraq, between and to the south-east of the cities of Basra (Iraq) and Abadan (Iran). The main purpose of the terminal would be to export oil. This report reviews the project proposal. It comments on oil production forecasts, prospects for Iraqi oil production, container traffic, liquid natural gas/liquid petroleum gas, free zones, project viability, technical and other issues.

This resource was produced by TI-UP – a DFID-funded resource centre for technology, infrastructure and urban planning, managed by IMC Worldwide Ltd.


Anon. TI-UP Enquiry: review of Iraq Grand Port project proposal. TI-UP Resource Centre, London, UK (2008) 10 pp.

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Published 1 January 2008