'The Third Nationality': Female returnees to Eritrea. Issues of gender, return and the creation of the nation


In this paper various hypotheses with regard to post-return life of refugees, gender issues and nation building are advanced, with specific reference to Eritrea. The first part provides a brief sketch of a number of developments within anthropology, which have led to an increase in focus on issues of identity, integration and nation building, and which have relevance in expanding the scope of consideration to post-return integration of refugees. Attention then moves to an examination of certain aspects of the Eritrean experience since liberation in May 1991, the ways in which the instrumentality of the state is shaping the creation of the Eritrean nation and the complexities of such a project.


Gruber, J. ‘The Third Nationality’: Female returnees to Eritrea. Issues of gender, return and the creation of the nation. (1999) 15 pp.

‘The Third Nationality’: Female returnees to Eritrea. Issues of gender, return and the creation of the nation

Published 1 January 1999