The Rural Non-Farm Economy in India: Some Policy Issues


The annual growth rate of the male workforce in the rural non- farm sector in India was 4.3 per cent during 1977-88 and 2.0 per cent during 1988-2000, whereas in agriculture it was only one per cent during 1977-99. Thus the non-farm sector in India has immense potential to generate new jobs with relatively low direct investments. However its expansion depends upon a number of factors, which are influenced by government policies – directly or indirectly. These are discussed in this report.


Saxena, N.C. The Rural Non-Farm Economy in India: Some Policy Issues. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2003) 45 pp. [NRI Report No: 2752]

The Rural Non-Farm Economy in India: Some Policy Issues

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Published 1 January 2003