The Kenyan RGUU experience: context, processes and lessons


In this paper, although the case of regulatory review in Mavoko is covered, the focus is also on the application and impact of land, planning and building regulations throughout Kenya. Much of the current regulatory framework cannot be considered to be facilitating to a significant extent for access by the poor to secure land and adequate services, infrastructure and shelter. However, surveys of householders in informal settlements and professionals indicated a clear preference for maintaining some form of organised regulation. The development of revised regulations in Mavoko centred on the areas of land allocation procedures, plot sizes, water and sanitation, and information and communications, which were identified as priorities through multi-stakeholder workshops. The regulatory guidelines would be developed on the basis of the underlying principles of affordability, social equity, integrated and proactive planning. Sustainable development, community empowerment, regulation as a process of change, awareness creation and accountability. For each of the four priority areas for change, details are presented of the current background and issues of each area, what needs to change and why and proposals made for specific regulatory measures in terns of regulations, standards and procedures. Details are also presented of how the draft regulations are being or could be developed and implemented. Consideration is additionally given to a dissemination strategy for the revised regulatory guidelines at community, local authority and national levels.


Paper presented at the Third RGUU International Workshop held 22-24 September 2003, UK, 27 pp.

The Kenyan RGUU experience: context, processes and lessons

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Published 1 January 2003