The improvement of accident data quality in Malaysia.

It is important that an accurate and comprehensive accident database is maintained, easy-to-use at national and local level


One of the factors affecting the efficiency of a nation’s transport system is the safety of its road network. In order that as high a level of safety as possible is achieved an important prerequisite is that an accurate and comprehensive accident database is maintained. This should be readily accessible and easy-to-use at both the national and local levels. Only with this can safety be monitored, the specific nature and location of safety problems investigated, appropriate remedial action designed and implemented, and the effect of that action evaluated.

This paper describes the steps already taken, as well as on-going research, to help improve the database of Malaysia. The long-term aim is to equip all rural and municipal highway authorities with a standard software package and relevant-database to enable them to investigate their particular safety problems. A new system was developed and pilot tested in two areas and the results from these were encouraging and, indeed, prompted the national introduction of a new report form by the Royal Malaysia Police in 1992. However, there have been problems associated with the rapid expansion to the national level (primarily related to the recording of accident locations), and new trials by IKRAM are addressing some of these.


BAGULEY, C J and R S RADIN UMAR (1994). The improvement of accident data quality in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of First Malaysian Road Conference, Ministry of Works Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, 20-23 June 1994. TRL.

The improvement of accident data quality in Malaysia.

Published 1 January 1994