The impact of serious crimes during the war on households today in northern Uganda. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 5


In 2012/13, SLRC implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in northern Uganda aimed to produce data on livelihoods, access to and experience of basic services, exposure to shocks and coping strategies, people’s perceptions of governance, and the impact of serious crimes committed during the Government of Uganda and Lord’s Resistance Army conflict on households’ livelihoods, access to services, exposure to crimes, and perceptions of governance. This briefing paper presents the SLRC, Uganda survey findings specifically focused on the war wounded, defined in our survey as people who sustained physical, psychological or emotional injury due to the conflict that currently impairs functionality.

Our survey produced the first representative findings from all of Acholi and Lango sub-regions on the number of war-wounded, and looks at the relationship between war wounds and households’ livelihoods outcomes, wealth, assets, food security, access to basic services, experiences of serious crimes, and perceptions of governance. This briefing paper summarises key findings regarding war-wounded households, building upon findings presented in the larger working paper, “Surveying livelihoods, service delivery and governance – baseline evidence from Uganda.”

The main findings presented in this paper include:

(1) 55 percent of households in Acholi and 28 percent in Lango report having at least one member who has experienced a serious crime. Most households experienced more than one serious crime.
(2) Households with members experiencing serious crimes are more likely have on-going war-related injuries, less food security, less wealth, worse access to health care, education and water, and feel that local and central government does not represent their priorities. The more serious crimes experienced, the worse off the household today.
(3) We estimate that between 131,573 and 199,121 people were violently killed or forcibly disappeared by parties to the GoU and LRA conflict.


Mazurana, D.; Marshak, A.; Opio, J.H.; Gordon, R.; Atim, T. The impact of serious crimes during the war on households today in northern Uganda. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 5. Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, Overseas Development Institute, London, UK (2014) 4 pp.

The impact of serious crimes during the war on households today in northern Uganda. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 5

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Published 1 January 2014