The identification of duplicate accessions within a rice germplasm collection using RAPD analysis


A set of accessions of Oryza sativa from the International Rice Research Institute (Philippines) that included known and suspected duplicates as well as closely related germplasm has been subjected to RAPD analysis. The number of primers, the number of polymorphic bands and the total number of bands were determined that will allow the accurate discrimination of these categories of accessions, including the identification of true and suspected duplicates. Two procedures have been described that could be employed on a more general basis for identifying duplicates in genetic resources collections, and further discussion on the values of such activities is presented.


Virk, P.S.; Newbury, H.J.; Jackson, M.T.; Ford-Lloyd, B.V. The identification of duplicate accessions within a rice germplasm collection using RAPD analysis. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics (1995) 90 (7-8) 1049-1055. [DOI: 10.1007/BF00222920]

The identification of duplicate accessions within a rice germplasm collection using RAPD analysis

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Published 1 January 1995