The human resource implications of improving financial risk protection for mothers and newborns in Zimbabwe

This study examines the inter-linkages between changes to fees and human resources for health


There is a growing consensus that user fees undermine equitable access to essential health care in many low and middle income countries. Changes to fees have major implications for human resources for health but the linkages are rarely examined. This study examines the inter-linkages in Zimbabwe to learn lessons for human resources for health and fee policies, especially for reproductive, maternal and newborn health.

This research is funded under the Department for International Development’s ReBUILD Programme which is led by Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


Yotamu Chirwa, Sophie Witter, Malvern Munjoma et al. The human resource implications of improving financial risk protection for mothers and newborns in Zimbabwe. BMC Health Services Research 2013; 13: 197 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-197

The human resource implications of improving financial risk protection for mothers and newborns in Zimbabwe

Published 1 May 2013