The effects of placing an operational research fellow within the Vietnam National Tuberculosis Programme

Highly motivated research fellows embedded within NTPs can facilitate high-quality research uptake


In April 2009, an operational research fellow was placed within the Viet Nam National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTP). Over the 6 years from 2010 to 2015, the OR fellow co-authored 21 tuberculosis research papers (as principal author in 15 [71%]). This constituted 23% of the 91 tuberculosis papers published in Viet Nam during this period. Of the 21 published papers, 16 (76%) contributed to changes in policy (n = 8) and practice (n = 8), and these in turn improved programme performance. Many papers also contributed important evidence for better programme planning. Highly motivated OR fellows embedded within NTPs can facilitate high-quality research and research uptake.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


N. B. Hoa, N. V. Nhung, A. M. V. Kumar, A. D. Harries (2016) The effects of placing an operational research fellow within the Vietnam National Tuberculosis Programme. Public Health Action, Volume 6, Number 4, , pp. 273-276(4) DOI:

The effects of placing an operational research fellow within the Vietnam National Tuberculosis Programme

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Published 21 December 2016