The effectiveness of the PAPD method: A comparison of community organisation experience in the CBFM-2 project. Summary report.


Participatory Action Plan Development (PAPD) was developed in Bangladesh through NRSP research to build consensus among local stakeholders on their common problems and solutions for natural resources management. This report describes a study which aimed to determine whether there was evidence from the Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) Phase 2 Project that the PAPD consensus building methodology resulted in differential outcomes from the facilitation of community based management of natural resources.

The report provides evidence that community based fisheries management was more effective in achieving desired outcomes when initiated with PAPD than where NGOs followed their normal approaches.


Sultana, P. and Abeyasekera, S. 2004, revised 2005. The effectiveness of the PAPD method: A comparison of community organisation experience in the CBFM-2 project. Summary report. In Final Technical Report for PD131. Hemel Hempstead, Herts: NRSP-DFID. 25 pp.

The effectiveness of the PAPD method: A comparison of community organisation experience in the CBFM-2 project. Summary report.

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Published 1 January 2005