The earthquake/seismic risk, vulnerability and capacity profile for Karonga town

A study carried out to understand the risks posed by earthquakes in Karonga based on roles and perception of stakeholders


This paper presents findings from a study carried out to understand the risks posed by earthquakes in Karonga based on roles and perception of stakeholders. Information was collected from several stakeholders who were found responding to earthquakes impacts in Karonga Town.

The study found that several stakeholders respond to hazards and disasters that occur in the district. However most of these stakeholders concentrate their activities in rural areas than the town despite having the town experiencing greater impacts from earthquake hazards.

This is an output from the Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) programme


Kushe, J., Manda, M., Mdala, H. and Wanda, E (2017), The earthquake/seismic risk, vulnerability and capacity profile for Karonga town, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 11(1), pp. 19-32, DOI: 10.5897/AJEST2016.2217.

The earthquake/seismic risk, vulnerability and capacity profile for Karonga town

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Published 30 January 2017